You can't go to Seattle and not see the Space Needle, and no Shawn, they arent going to launch it off in 2010. Patrick wanted to climb over the safety railing and go sky diving.
After the Space Needle, we went down to the Fish Market and watched the guys at this booth throwing fish to each other. What you cant see in this picture is a Monk fish hanging by it's tail. You can see the tail just to the left of the gray tote. The tail was attached to a rope and a guy behind the counter took great pleasure in scaring anyone who came near it. In this picture I'm telling Patrick that the fish is dead and there is a guy pulling on the rope because he kept saying "Dad, the fish is freaking me out! I want to leave." If I wasnt holding him on my lap, he'd have swum the channel back to Richie and Tara's.
That and he didnt like the fact that the gray tote in front of us was filled with live crawldads.
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